Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Air"Johnny, fill up the bowl."
We all went down to New Orleans,
For Bales, for Bales ; We all went down to New Orleans,
For Bales, says I; We all went down to New Orleans To get a peep behind the scenes,
"And we'll all drink stone blind, Johnny, fill up the bowl."
We thought when we got in the " ring,"
For Bales, for Bales ; We thought when we got in the " ring,"
For Bales, says 1 ; We thought when we got in the "ring," Greenbacks would be a dead sure thing,
" And we'll all drink stone blind, Johnny, fill up the bowl."
The "ring" went up with bagging and rope,
For Bales, for Bales; Upon the "Black Hawk" with bagging and rope,
For Bales, sa3^s I; Went up "Red River" with bagging and rope, Expecting to make a pile of "soap,"
" And we'll all drink stone blind, Johnny, fill up the bowl."